The Challenge:

To read my way through the BBC’s Big Read list, in order from numbers 100 through to 1.

The Rules:
- I must read the books in the order that they were voted, starting from 100 to the number one nations favourite.
- I must finish all the books – even if I HATE IT.
- If I have read a book before, I must adhere to the order and read it again (depending on the book this both excites me and fills me with total dread).

9 November 2011

Once Upon a Time...

Now here’s the important bit! A full list of the books and the order can be found here, all of which were voted by the public in the BBC's 2003 The Big Read. This is the list I am using and wont deviate if there are other versions etc etc.

I wont lie, this list of books truly brings out the geek in me. Some fill me with dread (Ulysses? Who the eff decided that was their favourite book? And War and Peace? Please, I’d like to finish this challenge before death comes a calling); some already bore me (The Alchemist, I clearly missed something on this one, snoozeville); some make me ecstatic that I get to fully indulge my Jane Austen love affair once again; some make me pleased I’ll finally have a force to make me read the classics that have been on my ‘list of things to read’ for years and otherwise I’d probably never get around to (Wuthering Heights – I know as an English literature graduate this is sacrilege – Tess of the D’Urbevilles); some allow me revisit my inner child and read the books I’d have loved as a kid but was too old to read when they were released; some, I'm sorry to say, I’ve not even heard of; and some will allow me to relive the best childhood memories - of my sister reading to us on holiday, doing hilarious character voices, with the three of us cracking up with laughter when we should have been asleep in bed.

So there we have it. One girl. One hundred books.

Are you sitting comfortably? 

Good, then we shall begin…

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