The Challenge:

To read my way through the BBC’s Big Read list, in order from numbers 100 through to 1.

The Rules:
- I must read the books in the order that they were voted, starting from 100 to the number one nations favourite.
- I must finish all the books – even if I HATE IT.
- If I have read a book before, I must adhere to the order and read it again (depending on the book this both excites me and fills me with total dread).

4 April 2012

94. ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho

I’ve read The Alchemist once before when I was about 20 or 21. I remember reading it on the bus on the way to work, getting off at my stop with one page left to read and thinking that I was so fed up with it I wasn’t even going to bother reading the final page (and therefore actually finding out what is actually discovered) and so I didn’t. Looking back I think the reason I disliked it so much was the importance people gave it - how life changing it was and soul searching, which basically just encouraged lots of eye rolling from me.

However, I must be getting less cynical in my old age or something as this time around I quite enjoyed it. I wouldn’t say I would read another Coelho but there was a definite decrease in the eye rolling and I even read the final page this time, so much better second time around already!

This is such a simplistic story, yet does grapple with the larger aspects of life (I can feel your eyeballs starting but stick with me here). It’s basically about a young boy who has his life as a shepherd pretty much sorted, but he discovers that whilst he is good at his job and likes his life, he yearns for more. It is about following your dreams and hopes in life and encourages the reader not to give up on these at any age, or fall at the first hurdle. He overcomes his struggles and continues in his quest to make his life changing discovery.

I can certainly see why people would read this and find comfort in it, especially if they are changing their life in some way, but it does tend to err on the side of the self-help at times. I however was just reading it for entertainment sake and it was not too bad! Yes it was quite puke inducing airy fairy twaddle at times, but if you just go with it and understand that this is what it is, then it’s enjoyable. Characters do talk to the wind though, and the soul of the earth and the soul of the sun which was a bit weird, and there was definitely still some eye rolling at this - I mean I’m less cynical, but I’m still me!

But all in all this was a good simple story which is quite encouraging and about living life to the full.

And there’s not much wrong with that.

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