Well hello there and welcome back! You may have noticed I've not blogged in... well, TIME.
I wont lie, I've become jaded. The last few books I just couldn't get on with and there was no light at the end of my literary tunnel. Oh woe! I studied English at uni and after a run of books I wasn't enjoying, I wondered why was I doing this? I'd done enough forced reading in my time, I needed a break.
So I had one.
A long one.
I read total trash, I read books that I'd wanted to read for ages, I read for FUN and I liked it. Ha. I didn't have to read anything. I didn't have to read anything challenging, I could read Jilly Cooper if I wanted and I could bloody well like it. HA.
But then I remembered...
I remembered the books I've liked on this list that I wouldn't have otherwise read.
I remembered I like having good books to talk about.
I remembered I like reading.
And I remembered, I bloody like a challenge.
So me and my reading eyes are back.
Starting off with (drum roll please) 'The Magician' by Raymond E Feist. I know, that's what I thought. You what?? Who now? Never heard of it. And you wouldn't have. Unless you (once again) like bloody fantasy novels. Blah blah blah there's a boy, he likes a girl but she is a princess and he is a nobody. He's a magician's apprentice and is chosen to go on an adventure and save the fictional world in which he lives. There are fights, there are friendships that go awry. There is death and there is love.
It was...hard to get through. In truth, this is the book that broke this camel's reading back. I couldn't face finishing and writing about another bloody fantasy novel.
Not really my favourite, can't say I'd recommend.
But whatever, lets draw a line under this and continue!